Sunday, September 30, 2012

Exercise - Good Nutrition = Zero Results

Exercise is very important to your overall health and physique, but without the right nutrition and caloric reduction you will not change your body the way you may want to.  If you have been working out hard but still feel frustrated, take a look at what you are putting in you mouth.  Research shows that exercise alone will not result in weight lose or reduction of fat composition.  You have to make sure that you are burning more than you are eating.  Most people tend to eat more if they exercise, but too much of even the good foods could have negative results.  It is hard work in the beginning, but it is worth it when you realize that you feel better, look better and can love living your life. Our bodies are a temple and your really are "what you eat", so make sure that everything you put into your body is to help you live your life to the max!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Get Up and Train!

In order to achieve your goals, you have to train your body by exercising. You CAN"T be lazy!  The best way to feel good about yourself and your day is to GET UP and workout in the morning.  Since most people don't have a lot of time in the morning, it is important to do a workout that will incorporate both cardio and strength training.  This will give you the hardest workout for the least amount of time.  There are several options for you to choose:  tabata, HITT, fusion, pyramid, circuit, crossfit and plyometrics. I absolutely love all of these workouts, mainly because they are fast, fun and hard core.  Today I am going to show you how you can fit in a tabata workout (maximum high intensity workout with short bursts of rest) in 20 minutes in the morning.  If you are more advanced, you can increase the amount of reps or decrease the rest periods in between. Here is one example of a tabata workout that will work both upper and lower body.  REMEMBER: You have to perform at your absolute max in order for it to be a true tabata workout.  DON'T BE LAZY!!

3 min. warmup (such as jump rope or jogging)

20 sec. of sprints (10 sec rest)

20 sec. of jump squats (10 sec rest)

20 sec. of prison cell pushups (10 sec rest)

20 sec. of triceps dips (10 sec rest)

20 sec. of suicides (10 sec rest)

20 sec. mountain climbers (10 sec rest)

20 sec. of pullups or pushups with alternating single arm rows (10 sec rest)

20 sec. tuck jumps (10 sec. rest)

1 minute of rest (optional)

*repeat 2 more times

2 min. of cool down and stretching

(If you are just starting out in tabata or any hard core cardio workout, you can start by doing less reps or by doing 15 sec. of max intensity exercise and 15 sec. of rest.)

Let me know if you make it through the workout and how you feel. Train Hard!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Live To The Max Challenge

This week, I challenge you to not hold back. DO NOT accept no for an answer. It doesn't matter what your excuse is....IT IS NOT AN EXCUSE! You can do it! You can eat right, you can workout in the morning if you have to, you can fit in a workout in 20 minutes, you can go without chocolate for more than a day, you can pass up the bread at dinner when everyone else is eating it, you can lift more in your weight training, you can lose the weight, you can be the best you can be. Rise Up and Just Do It! Choose one thing in your life that you keep putting off because of excuses and know that you are worth it! Live to the MAX. Give it 100% and let me know how it feels when you perform at your absolute best.
Write me and give me your success stories. What are you giving up this week? What are you going to do differently to love your life more? My Max Challenge: To sweat daily! No excuses. Yes I will be busy, yes there will be temptation to not workout, but I am going to overcome and know that I am worth it.

Strong and Fit

 What makes you strong?  Is it how much you can lift? It is how much you weigh?  One definition of strong means to be able to resist strain, force or wear on the body and mind. It is not a secret that life is NOT easy!  Fitness and mental focus is NOT easy.  However, strength comes from YOU being willing to take whatever comes your way and not backing down.  It is ok to is NOT ok to fall.  Get up, keep going and fight for what YOU want.  YOU are the only one that can go get it. Believe in yourself and have faith in your maker to see you through to the end.  Rise Up and don't let anything get in your way.  YOU ARE strong and YOU CAN do it. 
 Just remember:  "Whatever your hand finds to do, DO IT with ALL your MIGHT!" (Ecclesiastes 9:10)  This is what keeps me going.  Tell me what keeps you motivated and pushing through.  What makes YOU strong?